
An approach that seeks to integrate diverse perspectives into a comprehensive understanding of the nature of reality and the divine.

What the Bible is for me

Faith in God’s revelation has nothing to do with an ideology which glorifies the status quo.

Karl Barth

I believe in the incomprehensible God beyond our cognitive horizon as the foundation of all existence.

I believe in the personal God who encounters us in manifold ways in his creation, our fellow human beings, our life together, in Jesus Christ and in the Church as the personable You.

I believe in the immanent God who reflects himself as me and I as him in this world and allows me to be the personable you for others and himself.

I believe that we are embedded in God, that creation is his body. His relationship with us is about healing, the healing of God himself, so to speak.

I believe that God as Father always encounters us in new ways, that our understanding of God is constantly changing, that he always becomes for us what we understand and need.

I believe that Jesus is a role model for us, the Son of God, who showed us uncompromisingly what it means to be human, even unto death, to show us who we are, and that death cannot hold us.

I believe that the Spirit of God connects us, bridges dimensions, spans time, permeates space, reminds us and accompanies us.

I believe that we are embedded in the Trinity of God as an equal member, a growing individuated unity.

  • A Dream

    A dream I had about buildings and living. I have not dreamt for quite a while, thus I think that this is important. Maybe just for me, but it might touch you as well.

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    But I say unto you… Matt 5, several times Religion consists of two subsystems: doctrine and mysticism. Doctrine is conservative, while mysticism changes doctrine, but also threatens it. Most charismatic churches would name these two systems slightly differently. They would call them Word and Spirit, which would be close enough. Equating doctrine with the Word…

  • Theodicy

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