1Sa 17:34-35 David answered Sha’ul, “Your servant used to guard his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear would come and grab a lamb from the flock, (35) I would go after it, hit it, and snatch the lamb from its mouth; and if it turned on me, I would catch it by the jaw, smack it and kill it.
One day last December laying on my bed the Lord spoke to me: “The bear is dead, wait for the lion”.
David killed bears and lions guarding his father’s sheep as a preparation for his fight against Goliath, as becomes apparent in the verses following the scripture above. He did not know that fact beforehand, but we are priviledged as we just can go to the book. Obviously, our test and trials, our victories are preparations for the greater foe to follow. And not to discourage us, but to give us the assurance that we dealt with other villains before so we do not have to worry.
Last year was quite a challenge for me personally, but I stood. If you are still here, you can say the same about yourself. This has been a great preparation time for the future. So bring them on!
Another lion that is in the Bible is the Lion of Juda. Maybe it’s Him that the Lord was talking about. I am sure that it at times will be Him. I do not want to miss both of them: take one by his beard, as it says in German translations, and beat him to death, while adoring the other.
I am looking forward to a great and abundant 2008. Be blessed!