For the accidental or new reader of my blog: this post is part of a series that started with this blog. I would advice you to start reading there for foundation.
Maybe, when you read my last post, you found out a major difference between the promises in the first two feasts, Passover and Pentecost, as opposed to the ones in the last feast, Tabernacles. The promises of the first two are for the individual, while the others can only be experienced, enjoyed, but even received in the corporate. We will, through two other groups of threes, work this out.
Let us look at the garments of Aaron, the high priest. We find them in Ex 28:1-43.
The first group of threes we will look at are the garments, the second are the seals of the ministry.
I reverse the order of the garments on purpose as in regards to their mention in the bible and look at them in the order they were put on, starting with the most inner layer, the linen tunic, girdle, headgear, and shorts.
They were made of white linen.We are reminded of the mantle of righteousness that will be given to the over-comers:
“Sir,” I answered, “you must know.” Then he told me: “These are the ones who have gone through the great suffering. They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and have made them white.
(Rev 7:14 CEV)
Washed in the blood of the Lamb and made white. White linen speaks of Passover, salvation, being made righteous, whole, and of provision.
The blue coat followed. Blue speaking of Heaven, the Holy Spirit. The fruits and the bells speak of the fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit. Pentecost.
The Ephod then speaks of authority and son-ship. Tabernacle.
But let’s slow down.
God told Moses to cloth Aaron and his 4 sons – a five fold ministry – in priestly garments. These garments were made by wise artists, given for glory and beauty, and authorized Aaron for ministry and office (Ex 28:1-3).
So we see 7 things in the first few verses that speak right into our time:
- God is the one that chooses, calls, equips, and sets people into ministry.
- Ordination is done through His representative. There Moses, here Jesus, and by extension His set man.
- Ministry is team work. For today God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
- God used skilled (one Hebrew meaning of wise) artists and gave them the plan and wisdom to craft the garments.
- The garments were given for glory and beauty (Eph 5:25-27, Rom 10:15).
- The garments authorized Aaron to minister. No ministry without the right vesture – and I’m not talking about cloths. But you’ll see.
- The garments were the sign of ordination into office and authority to minister before God and to the people.
Do I get this right – without the full vestment there is no ministry? Now I’m really curious to know what they represent for us today, as the Old Testament is types and shadows in the natural that point to this time and the supernatural.
I think that Aaron should become a style icon for modern christians. (Calm down. Not in the natural, but the spiritual.)
This series consists of