The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next.
Rom 8:19 Msg
I like the translation given by the Message bible. I think it is so true and timely. But one could easily downplay this to: We are all curious for what God’s doing next. And if you only read the Message bible, that is probably what you get. You’ll take the back seat and watch. And maybe expect some new gadget, some technology – and miss out on a truly great reformation. But let’s listen to Mr. Weymouth:
For all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation of the sons of God.
Rom 8:19 Weymouth
It is something very defined and specific that is coming next: the manifestation of the sons of God.
The animal that carries the longest – apart from some sea creatures, which we clearly are not, as the sea pictures unsaved humanity – is the elephant. They carry their babies for about two years. The teaching of the manifest sons of God has started in Latter Rain, as early as 1948. Since then, a thin read line of believers has been pregnant with this next move of God. I would call this an elephant pregnancy, wouldn’t you?
Pregnant ladies do strange things. Shortly before giving birth to our daughter my wife cleaned 5kg of apricots, sitting in the bath tub to relax from birth pangs. Others clean the house. And let’s not even start to talk about eating habits and tastes.
Part of the church of Jesus Christ has acted strange lately. They actually started to believe what the bible said. They wanted to have some things finished. They changed their eating habits – both naturally and spiritually. They upped their prayers. Just to be ready. But what for? Birth. Birth of the manifested sons of God. They stay alert.
Stay alert, then, because you do not know when the owner of the house will return – whether during evening, at midnight, when the rooster crows, or at dawn – or else he might find you asleep when he returns suddenly. What I say to you I say to everyone: Stay alert!
Mark 13:35-37
I know that this verse usually is taken to explain the second coming of our Lord Jesus. But which one? The one he comes yet not really to capture and rapture his people or the one he really returns to take his reign?
A long term reader of this blog will recall that I do believe that Jesus already took reign. All authority is given to him. Everything is put under his feet. It is our feat now to recognize this, to accept his reign, and to become part of his kingdom, the dominion of the king.
Maybe this verse sheds some light on the question:
The Lord, whom you are looking for, will suddenly come to his Temple.
Mal 3:1b
This verse usually is taken to explain the first coming – with most people missing it. But Jesus will also come for a spotless bride without wrinkles. Peter calls her the temple of living stones, just like Paul calls her the body or the temple. Jesus will come back to his temple. And so he has – remember Pentecost. When we recognize what this really means and act accordingly – giving him full authority in our lives – when we stop relegating the promises of God to the future, when we accept the finished work of the cross, the manifest sons of God will be birthed.
A suddenly is only possible in time. God outside of time does not experience any suddenlies – it is impossible.
I announced events beforehand, I issued the decrees and made the predictions; suddenly I acted and they came to pass.
Isa 48:3
The act of God – what had been declared by him breaking into time, suddenly.
“I issued the decrees” in the Hebrew is “I caused them to be heard”. This plain statement, easy to understand, at first sight unsurprising, makes very clear how God is going to let us know. Through prayer and faith. Prayer is communication with God – speaking and listening. A precursor to hear – the act of communication. And faith comes from hearing, repeatedly and constantly hearing the word of God. And faith lets us act accordingly, because faith without the outflow of work, change, action is dead.
You were never meant to have a suddenly all by yourself. Just an example: they were all together when suddenly they heard a wind falling. Whoever recognizes the prophetic season will experience the outflow of the season. Do you recognize the season?
Every two thousand years God has a son. Adam. Abraham. Jesus. You and me. The corporate son.
And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who was to have rule over all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was taken up to God and to his high seat.
Rev 12:5
We are seated with Jesus, in Christ, in heavenly places, and reign with him (Eph 2:6). In Rev 21, the sons of God come down to earth – the city, the bride. Let’s bring the kingdom down to earth and manifest as sons of God.
Let me tell you again how we do that: communicate with God, pray, so you can hear his decrees, which will build your faith, so you can act! Don’t be blind and lame.
And remember: this is the next thing, and all creation expects you to stand up and move!
Are you with me? Send me a comment.