Not many Fathers

For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers.

1Co 4:16

We do not have many fathers. And you know what – I am quite happy about that.

What do I mean by that?

Today I am not talking about the number of fathers we have to father this generation. There are far too few, as probably everybody would agree. And obviously I am not talking about natural fathers, as more and more of them desert their families.

I am talking about the number of fathers a son has.

In the natural, it has become more and more the norm to have several fathers during your childhood – or none. The same in church.

A word about fathers first. They are human. They have grown into maturity, not perfection. They have grown to a place were God can trust them, but not to a place they know it all and make no mistakes.

Therefore, if I have many fathers, I will find one that agrees with me on what I want, on what I am doing. Or at least puts less priority on a change in that area of question. Just as natural fathers have different priorities. Thus, if I keep myself a fold of fathers, chances are that I will never grow. Too big the temptation to go the path of least resistance.

And then – just as it is with a child, experiencing many father in changing relationships – many fathers can be very confusing. Too many opinions.

But aren’t fathers anointed to see the Father’s will for one’s life? Yes, they are. But not many are appointed to your life. Many are great and wonderful fathers – for their children. And much of what they tell you is valid and true – maybe just not for you.

Too many cooks spoil the broth – and too many fathers spoil the brat.

And remember – the goal of a child is to grow up and become mature. Natural fathers leave us, and I am not talking about running from responsibility or premature death, but the course of life. We are to live under tutors and stewards until the appointed time has come that the father set.

Therefore, the goal of having a father is to grow and mature. The goal of having a son is to grow him and let go. First, they are children, learning to behave, then youth, learning to take responsibility, then men, learning to conquer, then fathers, learning to invest themselves into others, then patriarchs, learning to reign as Christ reigns – serving.

Let’s not hamper this process listening to too many voices – or too few.

How about you? Any thoughts?


