I am seated with Christ in heavenly places.
It has never been different. How could it? Does not the bible clearly tell us that what goes up had to come down first?
I am God’s child, and I learned from Jesus that we are one, just like he and the father are one.
There never was any separation.
Let me tell you a story. My story. I am not sure that this is what happened, as parts of it are quite foggy and I more intuit them than know.
I live in the father’s house as his child. We are a happy family. One day, the father told us about this adventure called human life that could help us grow into maturity, and I was excited.
We would have to leave home, or at least it would feel and look like leaving to us. We would take on another form. Actually, we would take on form in the first place.
The place we lived in was obviously different from the place we would go to, but then this new place would be contained within and we would be safe, even though we would not feel safe all the time.
O, that was something else we would have to adjust to: time. Within that new home, things would happen in sequence, and the measurement of this sequence would be called time.
It was this concept of time that would allow for growth. We heard that we would start small, dependent on others that seemingly had started the journey earlier. We knew that this was not possible, but there, it would look like it. Some would be parents of others, gateways for us to change environment, and help us in our first years to adjust and thrive.
The father also told us that we would never fully leave home with him, though we would not be aware of it. We would have to believe it. Our awareness and capability for complex thought would be limited, but ever growing, and since our parents would teach us, the children would slowly over generations become more aware than their parents. With setbacks, but in principle, a forward journey.
We had to ask: what are limitations? Father told us that we would have a beginning. It would be the moment that we were born into this new reality.
But we would also have an end when it was time to come back home. We learned that limitations therefore were passings. But there was more to it.
Our new form would not be capable of so many things that we were used to here, and we would experience totally new stuff as well, like needing space, language, air. But he always told us that we would learn all that was necessary.
In the beginning, we would forget, and soon, we would have buried our last faint memories of home, but he would never leave us alone. He told us that many would write down their memories whenever they remembered a glimpse and, from their limited perspective, help others remember. There would be stories and books about those memories, about interactions of our two homes, about experiences in the liminal space. They would sound fantastic and otherworldly, but deep within would make perfect sense. And if we gave in to them, even our limited thinking would learn to make sense of and live according to them.
At home, we never change. Since there is no time, no space, no limitations, we are unable to grow or vanish. We just are. Not that it is boring, quite the contrary. This individuated unity, this being different yet one is the most satisfying that one can imagine.
Why leave it then? To undertake the ultimate adventure of growing up, to become the father in an even deeper sense, well, to become. It does not need any other words. We wanted to become.
And as father limits himself by making space for this adventure he himself becomes.
Even Jesus, the firstborn, undertook this journey, mainly to give us a living example. He radically lived the plan and calling he had been assigned, even if that meant that he, in the eyes of the others, had to prematurely and violently have his adventure end at the hands of others.
This actually shocked us. We would learn to take advantage of others and even influence and end their adventure. We would do terrible things and explore the darkest pits of the universe, as the new home was called, namely our own hearts. But we would also learn to love and care and be there for each other. We would grow.
Here, we all are one. We could be as well called I, and one of our names is “I am”, and then Elohim. Both we and I in one. So I can have as many adventures as I want to, experiencing the loneliness of a separated I looking for the lost we, but also experiencing the we individuating towards that I. Some of our adventures will be experienced simultaneously, and some seemingly thousands of years apart. But all in all, our awareness will grow. We will become. I will become.