To think and to be fully alive are the same.

Hannah Arendt

  • A Dream

    A dream I had about buildings and living. I have not dreamt for quite a while, thus I think that this is important. Maybe just for me, but it might touch you as well.

  • Doctrine, Interpretation, Correction, and Spirit

    But I say unto you… Matt 5, several times Religion consists of two subsystems: doctrine and mysticism. Doctrine is conservative, while mysticism changes doctrine, but also threatens it. Most charismatic churches would name these two systems slightly differently. They would call them Word and Spirit, which would be close enough. Equating doctrine with the Word…

  • Theodicy

    Theodicy is one of the great challenges of faith. Here is a formulation of it: Either God wants to eliminate evil and cannot: then God is weak, which is not true of him,Or he can and does not want to: then God is begrudging, which is alien to him,Or he does not want to and…

  • No one comes to the Father

    “I am the way,” Jesus replied. “I am the truth and the life! You can only come to the Father through me.”  John 14:6 When we read this verse, it triggers a whole landscape of thoughts, a whole edifice of ideas and explanations that are not even present in the verse. What do we hear?…

  • Why do we repeat Prayer?

    In the aftermath of my message yesterday, let me give a more extended answer to why we at times seem to have to repeat prayer for it to be answered. During our journey of maturing from a child of God (teknon) into sons and daughters (huios), we not only change our communication style, but our…

  • Prayer as a Means of Growth

    Today, I preached at the Genesis Gathering. Here is the script: We are in the fifth episode of a series called “How to Make Sense of Prayer” and I called it “Prayer as a means of growth”. Let’s go. Last time, your pastor talked to us about the different ways we can pray. On a…

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