To think and to be fully alive are the same.

Hannah Arendt

  • The Fig-Tree

    In Mark 11, Jesus saw a fig-tree, and discovering that he bore no fruit he cursed the tree. Later that day Peter saw that the fig-tree had withered, and they started to talk about faith and the power of our words. In Mark 13:28-29 Jesus talks about the fig-tree again: And learn the parable of…

  • Experience and Knowledge

    Which is first – experience or knowledge? I have to say that my experience usually does not match my knowledge. Let’s take God’s promise to heal at any time, or to provide for us. Even though my experience tells me otherwise (my son is in hospital with a severe pneumonia at the time of writing,…

  • In His Image

    What does it mean, when the bible says that we are made after his image as you find in Genesis? God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes,…

  • Salvation

    Salvation is often misunderstood. It does have three tenses: Past: I am saved – justification as a gift from God. By faith alone by Christ alone. To add to it is blasphemy. No penalty of sin. Present: I am being saved – sanctification. We are progressif work. Committment, faith, growth, relationships that will help me…

  • Geo Centricity

    Is it possible that all of God’s plan evolves around the earth? It is obvious for this time and age where God became man and lived on this earth to reconcile man with himself. But what was before and will be thereafter? Let’s start at the beginning: In the beginning God created the heavens and…

  • Prophecy in the Bible

    One of the most important questions for us today is: why do we believe that the Word of God is just that – the word of God. There are many signs for that, one of which is the accuracy of prophecy as God shows us and declares history and its end from the beginning(Jes 46:10).…

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