Category: Kingdom

  • Old and New – External and Internal

    The old covenant started with the promise of a child being born. And it panned out with a son being given. It started with a child being sacrificed. And panned out with a son giving himself for all. As it started it went. The new covenant started with the promise of a child being born,…

  • Uneven Yoke

    My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Mat 11:30 The yoke of Jesus Christ is easy because it is even. What do I mean by that? Both oxen in the yoke are of comparable size. Imagine one being much larger – the yoke would be very uncomfortable for any of the two. Even…

  • No place to rest his head

    Foxes have dens, birds have nests, but the son of man does not have a place to rest his head. (Luk 9:58) For many years the church has believed that this was proof of Jesus being poor. Yet the bible teaches us that Jesus had women financially supporting him, as well as had received a…

  • Fathers and Sons

    For even if you have ten thousand trainers in connection with the Messiah, you do not have many fathers; for in connection with the Messiah Yeshua it was I who became your father by means of the Good News. Therefore I urge you to imitate me. This is why I have sent you Timothy, my…

  • I Am

    When God met Moses at the burning bush, He revealed His Name to Moses: God said to Moses, “I-AM-THE-I-AM. Tell the People of Israel, ‘I-AM sent me to you.’” (2Mo 3:14 MSG) When Jesus was walking on the water and met the disciples in the midst of the storm and the night, He said: Don’t…

  • Unbroken Law

    When did Moses lose the right to go into the promised land? When he for a second time hit the rock. Why? He broke the shadow that pointed to Jesus: Jesus was hit once, but now we just talk to Him. Ask, and I will give you. So could it be that Moses didn’t break…